Download tool to share your faith
Here is a tool we have found so helpful in sharing our faith with those who don't know the Lord or are unsure of their salvation. It comes four to a sheet of paper and is two-sided. Therefore it helps to have a printer that can print duplex (both sides of the sheet). To download, click here.
Discover your Motivational Spiritual gift
Every follower of Christ has been sovereignly given a spiritual gift by the Holy Spirit. While we can't absolutely prove it, we believe each of us has been given only one "motivational" spiritual gift listed in Romans 12:6-8, but that we can and should use our unique gifting to do many things in the body of Christ. Our argument for this position is as follows:
- Romans is a fairly complete book of basic Christian doctrine
- The number of gifts listed is seven—often viewed in Scripture as the number of completion
- The context makes it clear the reader knows his/her gift and gives “operating instructions” for many of them. By implication no other gifts are countenanced. There is no “or whatever else your gift may be” type of statement.